It’s National Apprenticeship Week! To celebrate, every day this week we’re talking to our Apprentices to find out more about them and their experience of what it’s like learning to be an electrician. Today we’re meeting Teyte.
Teyte, how old are you where and where are you from?
I’m 22 and I’m from Springfield in Chelmsford
How long have you been an apprentice and what stage are you at?
I started my Apprenticeship in September 2017 and I’m in the 4th year of my Apprenticeship.
Why did you decide to be an Electrical Apprentice?
I always wanted to go into a trade – I’m a pretty hands-on person with a practical brain. I never wanted to sit in an office all day. The electrical industry seemed like the cleanest trade. DSA Electrical is a local company and they were recommended to me.
What’s a typical day for you working at DSA Electrical?
There isn’t one really – it all depends on what you’re doing. For the last year, I’ve been doing commercial work. I’m currently working at Totteridge Academy in Barnet refurbishing science and music blocks. Previously I spent time carrying out electrical tests in hospitals. I’ve also done a bit of domestic work in houses. I usually arrive on site about 7.30am and finish for the day about 4.30-5pm.
What’s the best part of the job?
That’s hard. I like so much of it. I guess my favourite work is lighting wiring – you really have to think about it. I like the complex stuff. I prefer commercial work as there’s a lot more to it like containment, metal work etc.
What’s the most challenging part of the job?
Probably outside lighting in the cold!
What are your goals or ambitions for the future?
Eventually, I’d like to have my own business one day.
What qualities do you think you need to be a good electrical apprentice?
You’ve got to be on time. Ask lots of questions. Have a laugh when you can and just be enthusiastic.
What advice would you give anyone considering an electrical apprenticeship?
Just apply yourself really. You’ve got to give it 100%
How do you like to relax when you’re not on-site or doing college work?
I like to play football. I play for my local team the Old Chelmsfordians. I also like playing darts for my local pub The Gardeners
On the job training is all part of a day’s work for an electrical apprentice